Repository size . . . is this right

Matt Nordhoff mnordhoff at
Wed Dec 10 07:37:34 GMT 2008

Russel Winder wrote:
> Andrew,
> On Wed, 2008-12-10 at 10:12 +1100, Andrew Bennetts wrote:
>> Russel Winder wrote:
>>> I have a Git repository of the Gradle project with two branches and it
>>> is 132932 MB.
>>> I have a Bazaar shared repository of the Gradle project with 4 branches
>>> (each branch working tree is about 30MB) and it was 481640 MB.  I did a
>>> pack on the 4 branches in the shared repository and now the shared
>>> repository is 758860 MB.
>>> This is not good.
>> In addition to other comments, try "bzr upgrade --1.9".  (Don't forget to
>> delete/exclude the backup.bzr directory when measuring disk usage.)
> Actually I think I would need --1.9-rich-root as the branches have to
> deal with Subversion.
> Do I have to do this in the shared repository level, at the branches in
> the shared repository level, or both?  (In this case of 4 branches in
> the repository there are actually 5 .bzr directories. 

Just the repository. --1.9 and --1.9-rich-root don't change the branch

>> The 1.9 format has more compact index files than the default format.  The
>> actual pack files are the same, but the index files can be a significant
>> part of the repository data.
>> Once bzr 1.9 is old enough that most users are likely to have it, then we'll
>> probably make the 1.9 format the default format for new branches.
> I guess this then opens up the "should rich-root be the default"?  As I
> understand it the difference between --1.9 and --1.9-rich-root is very
> little unless you are dealing with Subversion in which case it is
> critical.  This would militate in favour of making rich-root the default
> since it doesn't hurt branches not dealing with Subversion and is the
> right format for those that are.

Yes, rich-roots should be the default, eventually. The problem is that
the shift will cause pain for every single bzr user out there, so nobody
wants to do it.

I think there might also be a couple improvements they want to get in to
make the process a little smoother too.

Making rich-roots the default has been discussed twice recently, once in
a thread about the 1.9 format and release, and once later.

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