bzr for documents

Rustom Mody rustompmody at
Sat Nov 29 14:47:28 GMT 2008

Thanks Stephen for such a detailed answer.

On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 9:16 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at>wrote:

> Give the file's name as an argument to the command.  If you only want
> to see logs of commits that touched wd/file.txt, "bzr log wd/file.txt"
> will do that.
Is something similar possible for bzr-gtk?

> First, bzr is not directory-oriented.  It's tree-oriented; it will
> recurse into subdirectories.

I dont understand.

> As for emulating RCS, just put file names in all your commands like
> you did with RCS.  (Syntax may vary in a few cases where the file name
> would for some reason mean something else to bzr, but mostly just
> append the file name as above.)

Ok Thats (probably) what I want.

> Yes Thanks
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