[MERGE] (Trivial) Fix missing dependency check for paramiko.

Andrew Bennetts andrew.bennetts at canonical.com
Thu Nov 27 08:55:27 GMT 2008

Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
> >>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Bennetts <andrew.bennetts at canonical.com> writes:
>     Andrew> bb:tweak
> Sorry, it was already merged when I read this mail :-/

That's fine, it was already approved after all.

>     Andrew> This is ok, in that it's consistent with the other
>     Andrew> test in this test case.
>     Andrew> Shouldn't we have a ParamikoFeature, so this could be
>     Andrew> “self.requireFeature(ParamikoFeature)”?  Or even set
>     Andrew> _test_needs_features = [ParamikoFeature] on the
>     Andrew> TestCase.  It seems more useful to regard this as a
>     Andrew> missing feature than a generic skip.
> You're right, I just re-read test_sftp_transport.py and it's a
> bit messy, I'll do a more thorough pass on it and submit a
> follow-up patch, but no urgency here.

Yep, no rush.  Just something that'd be nice to tidy up.


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