So many repo formats
gour at
Tue Nov 18 06:18:05 GMT 2008
>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Cowie <andrew at> writes:
Andrew> (which I only care about because Bazaar is an outstanding tool,
Andrew> but the plethora of public formats is sort of thing leaves a
Andrew> horrible taste in the mouth of someone who is encountering bzr
Andrew> for the first time and trying to decide whether or not they can
Andrew> trust it. This hurts adoption, and in theory we care about that
Andrew> 'round here)
I could not agree more.
Darcs has old 1.0, intermediary (hashed) and new darcs-2 format and that
is too much and created too many problems.
Pls. reduce number of formats and announce once that the next release is
going to drop some so there is choice either to upgrade or use older
clients. There is no sense to carry all this baggage around all the time
and picking some new 'bags' on the way ;)
Gour | Zagreb, Croatia | GPG key: C6E7162D
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