bzr status

Colin D Bennett colin at
Mon Nov 17 00:24:52 GMT 2008

On Wed, 12 Nov 2008 09:13:24 +0100
David Ingamells <david.ingamells at> wrote:

> To all posters in this thread, please be careful with terminology: in 
> Unix/Linux _absolute_ paths are paths that begin at the root of the
> file system, and have an initial "/". If all paths were reported
> absolutely, there would be no need for "..", "." or "../../.." in the
> names and your 'cwd" would have no impact on the names reported by
> bzr status (except of course to give bzr status the context of where
> to look to examine the branch). I'm not particularly arguing for
> this, but it is an alternative.

I am definitely strongly against showing absolute paths.  (Except by an
explicit option.)  Normally when I'm working, I don't care what the
full path is, and it may vary depending on whether I'm at
home/work/laptop.  I don't need to see the whole path leading up the
branch directory in paths like

The important part of the path is then obscured by the huge path, which
may not be that outrageous of an example, if you use a strongly
hierarchical directory structure to organize your files.

I didn't think anyone would argue for absolute paths as the default
output, but since you mentioned it I had to say something since I
think it would be a very inconvenient default.

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