[Success!] [MERGE] Fix #296620 by allowing plugins instead of requiring them.

Aaron Bentley aaron at aaronbentley.com
Wed Nov 12 06:03:52 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
>>>>>> "aaron" == Aaron Bentley <aaron at aaronbentley.com> writes:
> <snip/>

> Since I was tricked into fixing it anyway, let's say I fixed it to the
> point I got the test suite running again when using --no-plugins which I
> find distasteful and a dangerous tendency too many of us are following
> (I don't have proof nor want to point fingers, let's just say that
> obviously more and more often you can't run selftest without
> --no-plugins and expect a clean run, so less and less people are running
> the full test suite).

You can certainly point fingers at me.  I should have noticed and dealt
with the shelf selftest issues earlier than this.  I try to avoid
running with --no-plugins, but I do blacklist some tests and plugins.
In this case, though, I just haven't run the full suite on my last few

> But I think that needing to update bzrtools because there is a bug in
> bzr.... kind of demonstrate why I feel uncomfortable that bzrlib can
> import plugins.

What makes *me* uncomfortable is that importing plugins works even if
they're disabled.  Importing bzrlib shouldn't cause it to query
BZR_PLUGIN_PATH, then add directories to your sys.path.  You should have
the opportunity to supply your own BZR_PLUGIN_PATH, and to disable the
behavior entirely if you choose.

>     >> You may argue that this root problem is not addressed by my patch
>     >> but I see no reason to block it during the discussion
>     aaron> I have two problems with your patch
>     aaron> 1. It provides a fragile solution
>     aaron> 2. It provides a mechanism for colorizing diffs that I think is
>     aaron>    insufficient.
> Then feel free to improve it. 

Sure.  I'm just asking you, in the future, not to land stuff when we're
in the middle of discussing whether it's the right fix.

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