Bazaar 1.9 rc1-2 Windows installers

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Fri Nov 7 08:08:34 GMT 2008

>>>>> "jam" == John Arbash Meinel <john.meinel at> writes:


    jam> 4) Someone mentioned missing the option to install CA
    jam> certificates. I think this is because I'm not bundling
    jam> pycurl in the 1.9 installer. So it would be nice if
    jam> people could try the new installer with https:// urls,
    jam> just to make sure our https support still works as
    jam> expected.

Sorry to come so late in the game, but I couldn't find the time
to set up a windows VM to give it a shot (and I wanted a clean
slate to test that instead of using the shared host).

But anyway, regarding https.

I generally trust our https support to be correct (with minor
variations between urllib and pycurl but mostly for proxies)
*except* that urllib lacks certificate verification[1].

That point alone makes me highly uncomfortable releasing a
windows bzr version *without* pycurl.

If you choose to exclude pycurl anyway, this deserved an
announcement in big red flashy letters for people relying on it
(no need to scare the others :).

If you chose to include pycurl, then please install and use a
curl[2] version >= 7.19 as previous ones has led to bug #225020
(which reveals more problems than the bug itself).


P.S.: Thanks a lot for working on this, I know how painful it can
be to set up a windows production machine.

[1]: Work still in progress on https test server.

[2]: I know, I know, yet one more package on top of all the
others but can we really drop certificate verification ?

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