help on failing commits

Martin Pool mbp at
Tue Oct 28 07:10:36 GMT 2008

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 5:52 PM, David Ingamells
<david.ingamells at> wrote:
> I've seen similar things, e.g. on a branch command (file://...):
> bzr: ERROR: No such file:
> u'/home/CmsRoot/repos/CVTOOL/.bzr/repository/packs/8fa9827c9d45ad9c669af9896d065b20.pack':
> [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> u'/home/CmsRoot/repos/CVTOOL/.bzr/repository/packs/8fa9827c9d45ad9c669af9896d065b20.pack'
> or
> bzr: ERROR: No such file:
> u'/home/CmsRoot/repos/CVTOOL/.bzr/repository/indices/e61b1272edcb74b8994bd8d1a849b355.tix':
> [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> u'/home/CmsRoot/repos/CVTOOL/.bzr/repository/indices/e61b1272edcb74b8994bd8d1a849b355.tix'
> A re-run has always worked so far. My suspicion is that while the failed
> command was not itself going over a network it is still network performance
> related, as it is likely that other users were concurrently doing bzr
> commands using the same repository via bzr+ssh://, and it most often occurs
> at times of heavy network load. if my suspicion is true it will be a
> difficult one to reliably reproduce :-(
> Possibly somewhere in bzr there is a timeout that is too short, and the
> caller thinks that a timeout means that the file is not present.

I'm pretty sure this is the bug for which John has just posted a fix.

The thing being encountered by Tim seems to be different.  The
'.bzr/repository/upload' directory is apparently missing.  bzr always
creates it when making the repository and does not delete it.  Perhaps
a user deleted it to free up space, or Robert suggests perhaps an
antivirus program is blocking it for some reason.

Martin <>

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