help on failing commits

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Oct 27 22:25:49 GMT 2008

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 8:50 AM, Tim Michelsen
<timmichelsen at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a bug which really bothers me. At the beginning it affected only one
> project. Now, more and more are having the same problem.
> When I commit I get a message similar to this:
> $: bzr: ERROR: No such file: 'xqy6l51imqufu8x0v6iq.pack': [Errno 2] No such
> file or directory

Hi Tim,

This does look like a pretty annoying bug.  The problem is we have not
been able to reproduce it, and there's no apparent reason why we
should be getting 'file does not exist' when you've confirmed the file
does in fact exist.

If you or someone else can provide a repository where this can be
reproduced that might help.

I'll look at the code a bit now and see if I can see anything.  There
are some possibilities: we're checking for it before it's written;
there's a quirk or bug in Windows or Python we need to accommodate;
we're incorrectly raising or translating that error in bzrlib.

Martin <>

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