Using bzr-svn on a SVN repository with Trac

John Szakmeister john at
Sat Oct 25 18:50:43 BST 2008

On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 6:31 AM, Lionel Dricot <zeploum at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've a svn repository on an HTTP server with a Trac interface and it works
> well.
> I've done a bzr branch (using svn+http because the svn requires
> authentication and a known bug in bazaar prevent using direct bzr-svn with
> HTTP url).
> I've then commited a file and pushed the change back to the svn repository.
> It works great because the svn checkout see the file perfectly. This change
> is the commit 70.
> The problem is Trac : Trac doesn't show anything in its timeline. In "browse
> source", the new file is visible but if I try to click on it, I receive the
> answer : "No changeset 70 in the repository"
> That makes using bzr-svn with trac pretty annoying. Anybody has any idea on
> what's going on ?

What version of Trac are you using?  There was a couple Repository
caching bugs in the past that would this same behavior.  I suspect
this is your problem.


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