[bzr-svn] track specific directories only

Stephan Hennig mailing_list at arcor.de
Sat Oct 18 17:58:11 BST 2008

Hi Jelmer,

Jelmer Vernooij schrieb:
> Am Freitag, den 17.10.2008, 14:46 +0200 schrieb Stephan Hennig:
>> So my question is, can bzr-svn track specific directories to minimize
>> traffic?
> Yes, bzr-svn can do what you are looking for - just specify the branch
> URL you would like to branch and it should work fine,

I have some problems getting it running.  When I do

  bzr init --format=1.6.1-rich-root bzr-A
  cd bzr-A
  bzr svn-import -v file:///path/to/repo/trunk/manual

response is

> Importing branches with prefix /trunk/manual/

So everything seems fine.  But I cannot checkout the working tree:

  cd manual
  bzr checkout

errors out

> bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "path/to/bzr-A/manual/.bzr/branch/".

There is no directory bzr-A/manual/.bzr/branch, only bzr-A/.bzr/branch.
 I think, this is because manual is not a branch, but a single directory
within a branch (trunk).  How do I do the initial checkout with bzr-svn?

> at least with newer versions of bzr-svn.

I'm using Bazaar 1.7.1 with bzr-svn 0.4.13 on Windows.

> One of the things bzr-svn can *not* do yet, is work properly if you have
> one checkout that uses a subdirectory and one that doesn't. bzr-svn will
> make these two appear as different branches with no relationship
> whatsoever.

That is, putting two different checkouts into a shared repository
doesn't gain anything?

Best regards,
Stephan Hennig

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