[RFC] selftest xml output

Marius Kruger amanic at gmail.com
Sat Oct 18 09:25:06 BST 2008

2008/10/17 Guillermo Gonzalez <guillo.gonzo at gmail.com>

> lp:~guillo.gonzo/+junk/xmlselftest
> ...
> I want to ask if it's desirable to include this kind of funcitonality
> in the core or if should stay as a plugin.
> In the case to stick it with the plugin approach, some of the selftest
> code need some changes to allow plug some kind of collector to get the
> test result/s, I didn't find this kind feature in selftest, but I
> might missed something :)

to me it makes more sense that this is in the core, otherwise if you want
to do ./bzr --no-plugins xmlselftest
it wont work.

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