[MERGE] Delegate basis inventory calculation during commit to the CommitBuilder object.

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon Oct 13 05:47:51 BST 2008

This branch contains three changes aimed at improving commit performance
on split inventory repositories.

 - adds an API for for adding inventory objects to a repository via an
inventory delta. This is not used by any format in trunk, but its
closely related to the rest of the branch in my repository branch.
 - teaches CommitBuilder to support generating an inventory delta in the
builder object itself, which allows a split inventory repository to
apply the delta rather than reserialising the entire thing.
 - teaches commit to use this feature on CommitBuilder

The performance change should be zero for current repositories;
repositories with split out inventories can override finish_inventory in
CommitBuilder to take advantage of these changes.

GPG key available at: <http://www.robertcollins.net/keys.txt>.
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