RFC 'bzr-next'

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon Oct 13 02:07:20 BST 2008

On Mon, 2008-10-13 at 11:35 +1100, Martin Pool wrote:
> It seems to me that what's happening there is some of the merges are
> done by people who would not otherwise be involved in development, so
> it's scaling up the problem and the effort.  This would clearly be a
> win if someone not currently involved in development decides to both
> run the tool and look into any merge or test failures.  If it's people
> who are working on bzr redirecting their efforts then I think it's
> more questionable, and I'd rather get each individual thing merged
> into bzr.dev more quickly and then merged out from there.

Not all things can be merged more quickly; sufficient maturity to be
merged is not always a fast thing to achieve; I'd like to know that
things that do take time to put together and integrate cleanly are
working will with other such things.

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