bzr 1.8 release plans

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Mon Sep 29 07:17:31 BST 2008

>>>>> "martin" == Martin Pool <mbp at> writes:


    martin> The other 5 patches need review, and I'd like to keep
    martin> that number no higher during this cycle, so things
    martin> aren't sitting without a clear decision.

In the same spirit, can we try to lower the number bugs with
status 'New' ?

At the last 'Bug Day' we lower that number to 200 (which is far
too high) and we are now at 205. I think it sends a bad message
to people reporting bugs.

A simple way to lower that number will be to never leave a bug in
status 'New' when we file one or we answer to one.

For the first one a useful bookmark can be:<your lp ID here>

and for the later:<your lp ID here>

Clearing these lists should be easy either by setting the status
and importance field (if you reported or commented on a bug you
should know what status it is really).

Additional bonus for assigning tags :)


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