Recent update to is a blocker

Scott Scriven bzr at
Thu Sep 11 20:14:36 BST 2008

* Russel Winder <russel.winder at> wrote:
> and all the trunks/mainlines of all the plugins should 
> be treated as a single system that needs to be self consistent 
> at all times

If you can think of a feasible way to coordinate that, I'd love 
to hear it.  And tell the firefox community about it too.  It's 
annoying when I upgrade firefox and half the extensions break.  :)

Realistically, it seems like ensuring plugin compatibility would 
just slow down development of bzr.  However, I could see breakage 
notifications working reasonably well.  Basically, a system could 
pull the latest trunk versions of bzr and a set of plugins every 
day, enable one plugin at a time, run some selftests, and 
complain to plugin authors when their plugin breaks.  It wouldn't 
catch everything, but it might reduce the amount of time plugins 
are broken.

-- Scott

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