bzr-1.7rc1 bzr branch --stacked problem/question
David Ingamells
david.ingamells at
Thu Sep 11 06:34:43 BST 2008
The command is branching to a standalone branch (<to> is just a
directory, it was not created with init-repos). I don't know why, from
what I said, that you think I was creating it in an existing repos. The
upgrade I was referring to is the <from> repos which is the source for
the branch command.
Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> David Ingamells wrote:
>> On closer examination of the bzr messages, it looks like the problem is
>> that bzr branch --stacked has not been updated to use format 1.6.1
>> instead of the killed format 1.6:
> 1.6 was not killed. 1.6-rich-root was killed, and replaced with
> 1.6.1-rich-root.
>>> since bzr is MAKING the named branch why does it then complain that
>>> the format is no good?
> The repository you're creating it in is no good.
>>> Do I need to upgrade the repos to use --stacked now?
> Yes, specifically to format 1.6. Since this would affect all your other
> branches, and be incompatible with older clients, we do not do this
> automatically.
> It's also a bit strange to use --stacked if you already have a shared
> repo. They're two different ways of accomplishing the same thing.
> Aaron
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