[rfc/help wanted] a nightly bzr package build

Elliot Murphy elliot at canonical.com
Wed Sep 10 06:58:00 BST 2008

Daniel Watkins wrote:
> Having this sort of version string would allow us to be as granular as
> we want in the future (assuming we won't want to build per-hunk
> packages), rather than limiting us to once per day.
> This would also fix:
>>  * the version number in the packaging branch may be out of sync with
>> the one in the source tree, and the one shown by bzr --version
>>  * there may be no easy record of precisely what revision was packaged
> I might look into doing this for Debian (from which I presume the
> Ubuntu packages could be derived), but I don't know when I'll get
> around to it.

Martin, thanks for the idea. Daniel, thanks for the dch suggestions.
I've set this up for intrepid. Attached is the script I've set to run
from cron daily at 1000 UTC. The nightly PPA is here:

I guess next I should extend the script to build the same package for
hardy. I haven't yet learned how to build OSX or Windows packages, but
it might be fun to set this up for those platforms too.

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