Bazaar 1.6.1 release candidate 1 available

John Arbash Meinel john.meinel at
Fri Aug 29 20:22:45 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Following the "release early, release often" philosophy, we have yet another
release candidate for you to test.

This release fixes a few regressions found in the 1.6 client. Fetching changes
was using an O(N^2) buffering algorithm, so for large projects it would cause
memory thrashing. There is also a specific problem with the --1.6-rich-root
format, which prevented stacking on top of --rich-root-pack repositories, and
could allow users to accidentally fetch experimental data (-subtree) without
representing it properly. The --1.6-rich-root format has been deprecated and
users are recommended to upgrade to --1.6.1-rich-root immediately.  Also we
re-introduced a workaround for users who have repositories with incorrect
nodes (not possible if you only used official releases). I should also clarify
that none of this is data loss level issues, but still sufficient enough to
warrant an updated release.

Thanks go out to the people who upgraded to bzr 1.6 and discovered these
issues and reported them in a timely fashion.

The source code is available at:

Ubuntu packages are available from the beta ppa:

Windows and Mac installers should be available soon from:

If no other regressions are found, 1.6.1 final should be released by Friday,
Sept 5th. (I'm likely to release -final a little bit early for this round.)


John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Finally, the long awaited bzr 1.6 has been released.
> This release includes new features like Stacked Branches, improved weave
> merge, and an updated server protocol (now on v3) which will allow for better
> cross version compatibility. With this release we have deprecated Knit format
> repositories, and recommend that users upgrade them, we will continue to
> support reading and writing them for the forseeable future, but we will not be
> tuning them for performance as pack repositories have proven to be better at
> scaling. This will also be the first release to bundle TortoiseBzr in the
> standalone Windows installer.

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