Network glitches costing 15 minutes a pop

Forest Bond forest at
Fri Aug 15 16:19:53 BST 2008


On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 04:54:42PM +0200, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
> try urllib instead.
> Either by using http+urllib: instead of plain http: or by using
> the following plugin:
> ,----
> | from bzrlib import transport
> | 
> | 
> | transport.register_lazy_transport('http://', 'bzrlib.transport.http._urllib',
> |                                   'HttpTransport_urllib')
> | transport.register_lazy_transport('https://', 'bzrlib.transport.http._urllib',
> |                                   'HttpTransport_urllib')
> `----
> which will make the urllib implementation become the default
> instead of pycurl for http.
> As shown above, pycurl doesn't give us precise enough information
> about *when* this is occurring, urllib at least will be more
> precise.
> As John mentioned in a later mail, we also have a strange
> select/poll error on Linux with pycurl.
> I call that one a "Loch Ness Monster" bug: some pretend they have
> seen it but nobody has proof (i.e. receipts to reproduce it).

Why doesn't bzr just drop the pycurl implementation?

Forest Bond
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