New tutorial and an intro

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Aug 14 18:39:52 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

James Westby wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-08-14 at 12:58 -0400, Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:


>> This is where only mostly understanding some of the basics gets in the
>> way. I've updated that sentence to read:
>> "This plugin is installed only on the laptop machine and is only
>> necessary if you want to force a remote machine to update its files on
>> commit from your local machine."
>> Is that true though?
> s/commit/push/, but yes.

I'm pretty sure it works on commit to a bound branch. Not 100% sure, though.

Also, you might consider 'bzr-upload' which has a slightly different set of
requirements. Basically, it expects to keep a mostly-unversioned tree on the
remote side. But it is able to handle any protocol that bzr supports (ftp,
sftp, etc.). It can also be run in '--auto' mode, which means that any local
commit gets an automatic upload to the remote site.

It probably fits the use case of web developers better than 'push-and-update'.
If only because you probably don't want to accidentally expose the full
history of your website to people who have bzr clients. (You could always just
block the .bzr/ directory in your http access control.)

>> I've updated this text to:
>> change directories to your local Bazaar plugin directory
>> (~/.bazaar/plugins). This directory may not exist, if it does not exist
>> you will need to create it now.
> That's why I think we should create it by default, easier for
> documentation and IRC support. Not your problem though, unless
> you want to submit a patches as well.
>>  I don't think alternatives need to be
>> explained or described in the "in five minutes" version...let me know if
>> you think people should be directed back to the main documentation for
>> alternative plugin directories?
> I think it's something that can be largely ignored.
>>>> You are now ready to work from either branch on either computer. To
>>>> push the changes to the server repeat the push command and then the
>>>> bzr update via ssh. They look like this:
>>>>       * bzr push
>>>>         s
>>>>       * ssh username at bzr update /path/on/server
>>> The point of the push-and-update plugin is that it automates this.
>>> Presumably "bzr push-and-update" would do both the steps.
>>> Also, "bzr push" remembers the default URL to use (and so does
>>> push-and-update I assume), so this should just become
>>>   bzr push-and-update
>> /me face palms. NOW I get it. :) Document updated as follows:
>> You are now ready to work from either branch on either computer. To push
>> the updates and immediately publish the changed files use the
>> push-and-update plugin as follows:
>>  * bzr push-and-update
>> s
>> For subsequent pushes you can omit the remote path. Bazaar will remember
>> where to put the files. This command effectively automates a "push" to
>> the server and a checkout.
> "update" I think?
>>  Without the plugin this would be a multi-step
>> process of (1) bzr push and (2) connecting to the server via SSH to
>> perform at bzr update.
> That was the original way of using the plugin.
>> Unless of course John's subsequent email shows that I've completely
>> misunderstood things again. Guidance is required. :)
> John made the plugin smarter so that "bzr push" will do the update
> if you have the plugin installed and the target has a working tree.
> I don't know if you think it's better to show the more explicit
> command above, or explain the "magic".
> Thanks,
> James

As I'm probably going to get rid of the command... I would go for the magic.

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