do you know enough about what (other) Bazaar developers are doing?
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at
Thu Aug 14 09:05:49 BST 2008
>>>>> "aaron" == Aaron Bentley <aaron at> writes:
aaron> Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
>>>>>>> "aaron" == Aaron Bentley <aaron at> writes:
>> <snip/>
aaron> 2. "Bundle Buggy acknowledges this patch" messages are
aaron> mostly noise. The only reason I do 'em is to provide
aaron> the link. Perhaps BB could accept the messages
aaron> directly, append the URL in a footer, and then forward
aaron> to the list?
>> I strongly prefer the way it works now and for once "Just Hit
>> Delete" seems appropriate.
aaron> I didn't mean to suggest that BB would stop reading
aaron> the list for incoming mail. I meant that sending mail
aaron> directly to BB would be an alternate mechanism.
I forgot replying-mode rule #1: always read all mails. I had
around 2500 unread mails when I wrote that reply.
>> Automating all corrections or suggestions we, as
>> humans, can make to correct these submissions will never be made
>> automatically.
aaron> Sorry, I don't follow this.
Same remark. I wasn't aware of all the "spam" generated by BB for
a lot of reasons (not throwing stones here ! Just trying to be
What I was trying to say was:
- I think BB main purpose is to track *well-formed* submissions
sent to the right email,
- I doubt BB will ever be able to do the Right Thing with
incorrect submissions and for that I think humans should be
relied upon (forgotten patches, wrong subject line, wrong ML,
wrong public branch, etc).
Now, having read a bit more mails, I may be wrong on the last
point and you may well be far closer than I thought about BB
being able to handle the incorrect submissions.
P.S.: I seem to remember that you use procmail to filter mails
targeted at BB into a *single* mailbox. May be using one mailbox
by project may help in some cases (but may fail if the same ML is
used for several projects though...).
P.P.S.: Anyway, congrats for your constant efforts in improving
BB, since bazaar was the first project to use it, I understand
that we (bazaar ML subscribers) have to support some bugs while
BB is targeted at more projects.
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