[MERGE] Improve tests for the behaviour of Tree.iter_changes for missing paths that are only present in one tree, and fix found bugs. (Robert Collins)

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Aug 14 01:31:34 BST 2008

On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 13:21 +1000, Robert Collins wrote:
> This makes the behaviour of missing files that are only in one tree
> consistent for all our InterTree implementations.

And exposes a feature (this would happen on WT3 today, but dirstate by
being fixed shows it as well).

$ bzr init
$ touch moo
$ bzr add
$ rm moo
$ bzr diff
=== renamed None 'None' => 'moo' (properties changed: ?? to -x)

If this output is ok (it seems ugly to me), I can change the tests that
caught this to match.

What they currently assert is that 
$ bzr diff
$ echo $?

Which I think is also wrong - I'd rather see
=== added file 'moo'
$ echo $?

- Thoughts?

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