[MERGE] Move the notes on writing tests out of HACKING into a new file, and improve them.

Andrew Bennetts andrew at canonical.com
Tue Aug 12 23:53:36 BST 2008

This change moves the notes on writing tests out of HACKING into a new file, and
improves them.

Many of the testing notes in the HACKING file were in duplicated in two places
in that file!  This change removes that duplication.  It also adds new sections
on “Where should I put a new test?” and “TestCase and its subclasses”, and
others like “Test feature dependencies” have been expanded.  The whole document
has generally been edited to be a bit more coherent. 

I'm going to send along a MERGE/RFC for effort tests soon, but I realised the
existing documentation on test writing needed tidying up first.


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