creating bzr-svn binaries on Windows

Adrian Wilkins adrian.wilkins at
Sun Jul 27 20:56:30 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

> Message: 3
> Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2008 23:57:53 +1000
> From: "Mark Hammond" <mhammond at>
> Subject: creating bzr-svn binaries on Windows
> To: <bazaar at>
> Message-ID: <0bdb01c8eff0$c7429c40$55c7d4c0$>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"
> I'm trying to create bzr-svn binaries for Windows suitable for use with
>  While I can find 0.4.10 binaries, I was advised on #bzr that I
> should probably be using the branch at
> if I was working with
> However, I can't work out how to create binaries from that branch.
> fails very early in ways that make be believe that script isn't used on
> Windows, and INSTALL only mentions binaries are available, but not how to
> build them.
> Is anyone able to lend me a clue about how to build such binaries, or where
> I can get ones suitable for use with on Windows?
> Thanks,
> Mark

AFAIK I'm the only person who's built these successfully. I say this
with a somewhat limited definition of "success", since they do build,
but the tests don't pass as they do on *nix.

Having an additional win32 builder would be good (particularly if they
have more experience of C and the SVN API on win32 than I do).

I'm on holiday in Ireland at the moment and my bandwidth is somewhat
limited... but I might have enough for an RDP session to my desktop
(where my build environment is).

I couldn't get mingw to work, as all the libraries are built with VS 7.1
and full of MSVC-isms.

Instead, I'm using

 * The SVN 1.4.6 win32 developers pack (building SVN on win32 is
renowned as being excessively painful).
 * Microsoft Visual C++ 2003 Toolkit (which was available "freebeer"
from MS at one time, contains an optimizing compiler but is only
available off-site of
 * The SDK libs and includes that come with that.

In addition, Jelmer has had to remove some C99-isms from the code
(already in the history) ; MSVC 7.1 doesn't support them, and neither
does GCC 3.4 (which is the newest stable version of mingw gcc).

Further (!), I've had to make a lot of changes to because the
MS linker is a lot more picky and wants to know all the dependencies in
the hierarchy, not just the ones necessary for linking the top level.
I'm not sure if this is just config.

Of more concern is the fact that they just don't pass the tests. I
didn't have the time to do much more work, alas, but it certainly needs

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