Constant text conflicts - newb needs some help

Daniel Watkins daniel at
Tue Jul 22 14:35:56 BST 2008

On Tue, 22 Jul 2008 15:02:51 +0200
Donn Ingle <donn.ingle at> wrote:
> Could you point me to any relevant sections in the docs that talks
> about this some more? Could it be something like - one person per
> given source file at a time? Or one person editing any given
> function? What are the limits to how close edits can be to each other?
There is a section on merging in the User Guide[0], which may help.
Honestly though, resolving conflicts shouldn't be something to be
avoided at all costs and, as you use bzr more, I think you'll find that
it's actually not that big a deal.

[Footnote 0:]

Daniel Watkins (Odd_Bloke)
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