[MERGE] Fast _walkdirs for win32

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Jul 17 13:16:56 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Ian Clatworthy wrote:
| John Arbash Meinel wrote:
|> With this patch, doing 'bzr status' in a mysql tree on Win32 changes
|> from: 4.2s => 0.64s, or about 6.5x faster. It is quite noticeable when
|> your command prompt hangs for 4s versus returning in < 1s.
| Hmm. Modest improvements like this really ought to be mentioned in NEWS,
| don't you think? :-)
|> +    if (sys.platform == 'win32'):
| You don't need the () here.
|> +    if (fs_encoding not in ('UTF-8', 'US-ASCII', 'ANSI_X3.4-1968')):
# ascii
| Ditto.
| Please ping others (spiv and/or markh say) familiar with pyrex and
| the win32 API used to review the code in bzrlib/_walkdirs_win32.pyx.
| The rest is fine, assuming we only need to handle files and dirs at
| this level. (I gather symlinks and tree references are handled higher
| up the stack.)

Windows filesystems can't have symlinks, and tree references are indeed
handled higher up the stack.

| bb: comment
| (This is actually a tweak vote assuming someone else reviews the pyx
| file as mentioned. I'm making it 'comment' so BB doesn't take it off
| the queue for other reviewers just yet.)
| Ian C.

Thanks for the review.
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