[MERGE] print info after init and init-repo

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Thu Jul 17 09:01:48 BST 2008

>>>>> "Marius" == Marius Kruger <amanic at gmail.com> writes:

    Marius> +
    >> show_bzrdir_info(bzrdir.BzrDir.open_containing(location)[0],
    Marius> +                verbose=0, outfile=self.outf)
    >> I think using open_containing_from_transport(to_transport)
    >> instead of open_containing(location), will make the test pass
    >> again.
    >> Alternatively you can do open_containing(location,
    >> possible_transports=[to_transport]).
    >> By using 'location' you force bzrdir to create a new transport,
    >> breaking the existing relation between location and to_transport,
    >> defeating the connection sharing mechanism.

    Marius> Thank you so much for the explanation and
    Marius> suggestions, I was really stuck.  I opted for your
    Marius> alternate solution, and it worked like a bomb!

Hmm, I should have been clearer, I mentioned the alternate but
do not recommend it :-) If you look at open_containing you'll see
that it calls open_containing_from_transport, but here, you
*know* that the to_transport is the one you want, so you should
use open_containing_from_transport directly.



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