Stacked push missing?

Javier Derderian javierder at
Wed Jul 16 22:06:24 BST 2008

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 4:30 PM, Aaron Bentley <aaron at>

> Hash: SHA1
> Javier Derderian wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > While working on bzr-gedit, adding options to commands I found that in
> > Bazaar documentation[1] there's an option named "--stacked" and other
> > option named "--reference=ARG". I didn't knew what they worked for, so I
> > googled it and found this[2] (very recent) page talking about bazaar
> > stacked branches.
> >
> > The thing is..."bzr push --reference=bla" doesn't work on my bzr
> > installation, and I'm using trunk.
> Please be more specific than "doesn't work".  Does your bzr install
> claim the option does not exist, or does it fail to work correctly?
> I am using, revno 3542, and it certainly is present here.
> $ bzr help push
> Purpose: Update a mirror of this branch.
> Usage:   bzr push [LOCATION]
> Options:
>  -v, --verbose         Display more information.
>  --remember            Remember the specified location as a default.
>  --reference=ARG       Create a stacked branch that refers to another
> branch
>                        for the commit history. Only the work not present in
>                        the referenced branch is included in the branch
>                        created.
> > What's the story? Is it something that's about to be released, something
> > removed or am I hallucinating?
> If you're saying the option isn't present in, I think you're
> hallucinating.  Perhaps you're not running the copy of bzr that you
> think you are.
> Aaron

Ok, sorry, it wasn't the version i thought it was.


Javier Derderian
javierder at
En la Alegría serás Imbatible
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