[pqm/MERGE/pqm] Switch to distutils

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Tue Jul 1 04:27:56 BST 2008

I don't know if Robert thinks changing from autofoo to distutils is an
improvement.  I think it is.

+                raise SystemExit, "Unable to find 'xmlto', needed to
generate Docbook HTML documentation."

bzr's style guide says this should be SystemExit(blah), and I think
the old syntax is deprecated or will be in Python.

+    author="Colin Walters",
+    author_email="walters at debian.org",

Should that be changed?  From memory there is a distutils field for
"current maintainer" as opposed to "original author".

Aside from that it looks ok to me.

Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>

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