PQM Work This Summer

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Mon Jun 30 04:30:57 BST 2008

On 6/29/08, Daniel Mark Watkins <D.M.Watkins at warwick.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  As some of you may know, I'm going to be doing some work on PQM over
>  the summer, as part of what I've been describing to people as the
>  Canonical Summer of Code (because it's a convenient shorthand).
>  Anyhow, this email is to ask for suggestions as to what people want me
>  to work on this summer.  Already on my list are XMLRPC submissions and
>  ripping out the crufty VCS stuff.  We did brainstorm this at the London
>  sprint[0], but I'm looking for what amongst those ideas people consider
>  most important.


I think all the other points suggested are good, but as an overall
approach I suggest you look from the point of view of someone new
setting up pqm, and see what barriers might be in their way.  Is it
packaged and adequately documented?  If there are things that are hard
to describe or hard to do correctly that gives you an idea of
something to improve in the code.  You can also take the approach of
writing hypothetical docs as if the perfect code already existed then
looking at the gaps from reality.

Taking merge directives rather than a custom mail format should let it
read directly from ``bzr send`` and will close many of the issues on
John's list.

I believe Robert has said he'd be ok with moving pqm to a
team-maintained branch, doing reviews for landings on this list, and
maybe we should actually use pqm on pqm.

I also recommend you look at the way Javier has been handling
bzr-gedit development, with regular releases, a roadmap on the wiki,
and screenshots to show people how he's getting along.  It's really

Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>

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