Describe your workflow

Tom Tobin korpios at
Wed Jun 25 16:55:38 BST 2008

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 9:49 PM, Paul Hummer <paul.hummer at> wrote:
> Aaron and I were chatting about shared repositories the other day, which
> just triggered a discussion with Tim about his workflow.  I'm curious to
> know other's workflows using bazaar as the VCS so that I can find something
> that might work better for me.
>   - How are your folders laid out?

I'm pretty simple: everything is under ~/repo/, with non-bzr
repositories getting ".[type]" appended to the name, e.g.:

~/repo/personal-config/  (a bzr shared repository for all my settings
files; not much of a point of this being shared, honestly)
~/repo/django.svn/  (a subversion checkout of Django, but ...)
~/repo/django/ (a bzr shared repository, under which "trunk" is a
branch of lp:django; I use this for actual hacking on Django, since
subversion makes me shudder)

>   - Do you use lightweight checkouts?

Nope, never saw the point ... if I just need to grab the bulk of
history once, why not take advantage of local history browsing, etc.?

>   - What plugins could you not live without it?

Launchpad.  (A long time ago, I argued against its automatic inclusion
... boy, have I changed my mind since!)

Something along the lines of bzr-interactive (if it had hunk-splitting
support like git's interactive mode did, I'd use it constantly).

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