Push to repository: "Operation not permitted"

Erik Bågfors zindar at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 17:45:02 BST 2008

> That gives a pretty big clue: This repository is on a FAT16
> filesystem, and I'm asking it to update a working tree containing
> symlinks.
> Should I expect that to work?
> If it is to fail, I would at least expect a more sensible error
> message, indicating what operation is failing, and exactly which file
> in the working tree is being updated at the point of the failure.

Apart from the fact that the error message is not good.

Do you really care about the working tree on the USB stick?
Personally, I've seen many examples of people just wanting to use the
USB stick to store the repository, and not the working tree.  If so
you can create a repo without tree using "bzr init-repo --no-tree" on
the stick.


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