[loggerhead/MERGE] Switch Loggerhead from KID to ZPT template engine

Aaron Bentley aaron at aaronbentley.com
Tue Jun 10 14:32:38 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Martin Albisetti wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 3:15 AM, Robert Collins
> <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
>> On Tue, 2008-06-10 at 02:06 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
>>> Is this going to make it harder for normal users to run Loggerhead?
>> Can it get harder? :)
> The short answer is yes.
> It requires an extra dependency, and it's currently only packaged for
> python 2.4 in Hardy, so it forces us to stick with python 2.4.

What package?  I'm having trouble finding it on my Hardy despite having
Launchpad installed there.

Does zope provide the templating as a separate piece, or are we dragging
most of zope in as a dependency?

And if python2.5 just doesn't work with zpt, I definitely have
reservations about making zpt required.

> This is far from ideal, but, today, it's a tradeoff to get closer to
> decent performance.

I can see *supporting* zpt as a tradeoff.  At this point I'm not certain
we should be ditching kid at the same time.  At least, not in Loggerhead

> As a first stage, to reward those who get past installing it by making
> it usable-ish, this seemed like a good step to take.

Loggerhead has not seemed especially broken when I have run it.

> Oh, and making it not die a horrible death a few times a day on LP is
> an added bonus  :)

I'm a member of the Launchpad team that's responsible for Loggerhead,
and I'm all in favour of scratching our itches.  I just don't want to
ruin it for other people in the process.

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