[MERGE] Fix bug #235407, when the same revision is merged twice

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Mon Jun 2 04:43:14 BST 2008

Martin Pool has voted tweak.
Status is now: Vetoed
+    * ``bzr status`` was breaking if you merged the same revision 2x.
+      (John Arbash Meinel, #235407)

Maybe change 2x to 'twice', and explain it was in the display of pending 
revisions and this should only happen if you've done merge --force. 
(Which does seem to be the case.)

>Arguably the bug is in merge allowing this to happen, but it was easier
> for me to fix 'bzr status'.

So you could say that maybe merge --force should not force it that much 
:) but I would agree that status should not crash if you have done this.

  Arguably the bug is in merge allowing this to happen,
I would agree that merge should probably guard against this too, as well 
as status being defensive.

For details, see: 

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