In a bit of a panic. . .

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu May 22 17:49:06 BST 2008

On Thu, 2008-05-22 at 17:39 +0200, Jonathan Lange wrote:
> On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Russel Winder
> <russel.winder at> wrote:
> > On Thu, 2008-05-22 at 14:00 +0200, Jonathan Lange wrote:
> >
> >> A full diagnosis will have to wait for someone who knows more about
> >> bzr-dbus. However, I suspect an interim fix is to disable / uninstall
> >> the bzr-dbus plugin on your server.
> >>
> >> Specifically, the error message indicates that Bazaar can't get a dbus
> >> session on the server. It won't try to do this if you don't have the
> >> plugin installed.
> >
> > That certainly stops the problem but it seems like a bit of a
> > sledgehammer approach :-)
> >
> Right. I only mentioned it because the subject included the word "panic". ;-)

I hope to have bzr-dbus fixed shortly. Basically, something changed at
some point in the python-dbus error reporting and I need to add that
into the plugin. (bzr-gtk suffers the same bug).

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