Content filter sample: eol plugin

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Mon May 19 08:26:37 BST 2008

A couple of random comments about the original readme:

Does "exact" differ in any way from the property not existing?

|  ------ ----------------------- ----------------------------------------
|  native lf                      crlf on Windows, otherwise lf
|  ------ ----------------------- ----------------------------------------
|  dos    crlf                    crlf on Windows, otherwise lf

Its not clear here if 'native' on Linux and 'dos' on Windows will actually
have any conversions applied.  In other words, maybe this could read:

|  ------ ----------------------- ----------------------------------------
|  native lf                      crlf on Windows, otherwise no conversion
|  ------ ----------------------- ----------------------------------------
|  dos    crlf                    None on Windows, otherwise lf

And finally, it might be worth having the README say what happens when
someone accidently mixes newlines and attempts to check it in for the cases
other than "exact".  I assume the checkin will fail, but the README could
give the impression the newlines are silently fixed at checkin time.

Ian quoting Talden:

> I'd prefer to keep "exact", "native" and "dos" as they were and add
> "crlf" and "lf" for the dos/nix cases you've added above. 

Which would leave us with:

  ====== ======================= ========================================
  Value  Commit newlines as      On checkout, convert newlines to
  ====== ======================= ========================================
  exact  exactly as in file      No conversion
  ------ ----------------------- ----------------------------------------
  native lf                      crlf on Windows, otherwise no conversion
  ------ ----------------------- ----------------------------------------
  dos    crlf                    No conversion on Windows, otherwise lf
  ------ ----------------------- ----------------------------------------
  crlf   crlf                    No conversion
  ------ ----------------------- ----------------------------------------
  lf     lf                      No conversion
  ====== ======================= ========================================

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