Content filter sample: eol plugin

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Mon May 19 06:22:42 BST 2008

Talden wrote:

> Ahh, it seems that this plugin solves a different problem to that hit
> by my developers.  All of the tools know how to _render_ EOLs of both
> kinds fine but some of the tools do not respect the EOLs currently in
> the file when adding new EOLs - they might add CRLF lines to a .sh.
> In this circumstance this plugin can't help since we don't want exact,
> we want EOLs normalised to a target form for certain file-types.
> Perhaps these are two combination types that are desirable.

No problem - we can extend the list similar to your suggestion.

> ====== ======================= ========================================
> Value  Commit newlines as      On checkout, convert newlines to
> ====== ======================= ========================================
> exact  exactly as in file      No conversion
> ------ ----------------------- ----------------------------------------
> dos    crlf                    No conversion
> ------ ----------------------- ----------------------------------------
> nix    lf                      No conversion
> ------ ----------------------- ----------------------------------------
> native lf                      crlf on Windows, otherwise lf
> ====== ======================= ========================================

I'd prefer to keep "exact", "native" and "dos" as they were and add
"crlf" and "lf" for the dos/nix cases you've added above. Is that OK? If
you think it would be clearer, I'll rename "native" to "unix".

> Failing that we're back to using scripted conversion of files at build
> time to enforce the rules and just have to live with noisy commits.

I'd consider the plugin a failure if you still need to do that. Let's
make sure it works for you because I'm sure many others will run into
the same issues.

Ian C.

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