Changing a commit message

TPJ tprimke at
Thu May 15 07:41:39 BST 2008

> (Andrew Bennetts wrote:)
> Source code is different to commit messages: it's data vs. metadata.

Yes, but bugs are bugs. It doesn't matter whether they are in source
code, or in commit messages.

But I'm not interested in discussing technical details of implementing
such features... My point is different.

> (Andrew Bennetts wrote:)
> Being able to add annotations to revisions post hoc could be a nice
> feature, but it's not clear to me that is as simple a concept as you
> seem to think it is.  Perhaps you should write a "strawman" UI
> proposal, to show what you think it should look like, and how
> changes would be propagated and merged.

Well, it seems I started a discussion about changing commit messages
in this thread...

As I have already written (in my response to Raul's message), I don't
want to make decentralized Bazaar workflows allow any commit messages
changes. I understand the fact it would lead to a great mess with
propagation of such changes.

All I'm trying to explain is the fact that Bazaar allows both
decentralized and *centralized* workflows. These both workflows have
different needs (e.g. in general, commit messages changes are
considered something good in centralized workflows, and they are
considered something bad in decentralized workflows). I think that
Bazaar should have all these features, but it should be up to project
leaders to make a decision, which one of them would be actually used.

Thus, I find any further discussion about the ways to propagate such
changes in decentralized workflows irrelevant.

Best regards,

	Tomek "TPJ"

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