Using bazaar over email
John Arbash Meinel
john at
Thu May 15 01:14:33 BST 2008
Hash: SHA1
Suraj Barkale wrote:
| Thank you very much for the prompt reply.
I think the only thing you have wrong is the syntax for "bzr send". Specifically
it always sends the branch in the current working directory versus the first
argument. So it is:
cd project/local
bzr send -o ../X.patch ../remote
bzr send -o X.patch local remote
| If my understanding is correct:
| 1. There should be no conflicts in 'remote' branch if this workflow is
| followed. Conflicts may be present when I pull remote into local.
Correct, remote should always be a plain mirror of the other side's branch. I
don't know whether you will be 'pulling' into local, or 'merging' into local.
Because I don't know how much you intend them to be mirrors, versus just
separate locations where you develop.
| 2. Can I create a no-trees repository and use a lightweight checkout
| of project/local?
Should work fine. Something like:
bzr co --lightweight project/local my_work
cd my_work
bzr send -o new.patch ../project/remote
| 3. I am dealing with binary file so I am going to generate a no-patch
| bundle and zip it. Is there a compressed binary bundle format?
The bundle format is already bzip2 compressed, it is just bzip2 + base64 to keep
it viable for email transport. I don't believe you can request not to use base64.
So the bundles should always be ~25% larger than the .zip files, but I would not
expect them to ever compress better than that. (base64 == use 6 bits out of 8,
or 3/4).
It would be possible to add, it just hasn't been high on people's priorities
|> Ian- this sort of thing sounds like a great example chapter in the user
|> guide.
|> John
| Regards,
| Suraj
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