Error having upgraded from Bazaar 1.1.0 to 1.4

Aaron Bentley aaron at
Tue May 13 18:56:24 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Matt Scarisbrick wrote:
> Ok, I've solved the problem and in the process solved another problem a
> colleague was having. It turns out that we seem to have found two bugs:
> On Windows Vista or XP with bzr >=1.3, Putty 0.6 and OpenSSH 3.8:
> a) If you have Putty in your path bzr will just give you the EOF error
> when you try to connect to a repository over ssh. Removing Putty from
> you path solves the problem.
> b) If you have OpenSSH in your path bzr will happily connect but cannot
> take input after the password stage. This makes it impossible to, for
> example, reply 'y' to confirm a break lock. Removing OpenSSH from your
> path solves the problem.
> This is, of course, slightly frustrating as it's nice having OpenSSH and
> or Putty in your path! I'll see if I can log these as bugs if no one
> thinks they're already in the list.

I don't think anyone has identified putty or openssh as causing
problems.  (I think people have discussed problems with plink, though).
 Openssh is our standard connection method on *nix.

Note that you should be able to set BZR_SSH=paramiko to force bzr to use
that SSH implementation, so you don't have to change your paths.

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