authentication.conf question

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Mon May 12 13:44:03 BST 2008

>>>>> "tpj" == TPJ  <tprimke at> writes:

    tpj> Hello.
    tpj> I have a problem with authentication when I use bzr+ssh. I'd like to
    tpj> do simply

    tpj> $ bzr pull bzr+ssh://

    tpj> instead of

    tpj> $ bzr pull
    tpj> bzr+ssh://

    tpj> without being prompted for password. There are two things to notice
    tpj> here:

    tpj> 1) I have to tell bazaar the username to use.
    tpj> 2) I have to tell bazaar the password to use.

    tpj> I failed to do the both.

    tpj> I created the file ~/authentication.conf with the following content:

    tpj> -----------------------------------------
    tpj> [DEFAULT]
    tpj> scheme=bzr+ssh

As indicated in the doc, you should use 'ssh' when using sftp or bzr+ssh.

    tpj> user=my_user
    tpj> password=my_password

And we don't support password for security reasons.

    tpj> -----------------------------------------

    tpj> but it didn't help.

    tpj> What did I do wrong?

Nothing really wrong ;-)

launchpad avoid authentication.conf completely (for lack of
maturity of authentication.conf and other historical reasons),
look at 'bzr launchpad-login'.

    tpj> (I use Bazaar 1.3 on a GNU/Linux box.)

bzr 1.5rc1 is out, please test it :)


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