[1.5 critical] Branch.lock() does not set RemoteRepository.is_locked() == True

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri May 9 18:25:01 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Russ Brown wrote:

| I'm trying to track down why, but it seems to be causing some
| performance issues
| with remote operations that are using get_parent_map(). Because if the
| remote
| repo doesn't think it is locked, it will not cache any of the
| requests. And
| other stuff just plain breaks (bzr log --short bzr+ssh://, fails during
| iter_reverse_revision_history() because it thinks the repo isn't locked.)
|> In case it helps, I can reproduce this behaviour using 1.4 on both
|> client and server.

Thanks, it does help. I believe we have had this bug for a while. We haven't
noticed because we had more code going through Branch._ensure_real(). Specifically:

|>> b = bzrlib.branch.Branch.open('bzr+ssh:///')
|>> b.lock_read()
|>> print b.is_locked(), b.repository.is_locked()
True, False

|>> b._ensure_real()
|>> print b.is_locked(), b.repository.is_locked()
True, True
|>> b.unlock()
|>> print b.is_locked(), b.repository.is_locked()
False, False
|>> b.lock_read()
|>> print b.is_locked(), b.repository.is_locked()
True, True

Once we have b._real_branch, then the repo locking works as expected.

I think a possible patch would be:
=== modified file 'bzrlib/remote.py'
- --- bzrlib/remote.py    2008-05-08 04:33:38 +0000
+++ bzrlib/remote.py    2008-05-09 17:22:26 +0000
@@ -1293,6 +1293,10 @@
~             self._lock_count = 1
~             if self._real_branch is not None:
~                 self._real_branch.lock_read()
+            else:
+                # If we have a _real_branch it will handle locking the
+                # repository, but without one, we need to do it ourself.
+                self.repository.lock_read()
~         else:
~             self._lock_count += 1

As I mentioned, though, this could easily result in the repository being left
locked if you did:

b.lock_read(); b._ensure_real(); b.unlock()

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