[MERGE] Expand UG to include plugin and integration chapters

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri May 9 16:01:42 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Ian Clatworthy wrote:
| Right now, the User Guide is structured as follows:
| 1. Introduction
| 2-6: chapters on various workflows
| 7. Best Practices
| As suggested during a recent review by Stephen Turnbull, this patch
| renames the Best practices chapter to something more accurate, namely
| Miscellaneous topics. It also add two new chapters just before it:
| 7. A brief tour of popular plugins
| 8. Integrating Bazaar into your environment
| 9. Miscellaneous topics
| Those new chapters are also seeded with some initial new content
| covering BzrTools, bzr-svn and web application serving (ala Loggerhead).
| I'd appreciate some feedback on that material, particularly the bzr-svn
| section.
| For those who find reading the end result easier than reading a patch
| diff, a HTML version of the User Guide updated with these changes can be
| found here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ianc/doc/en/user-guide/index.html.
| Unless there are major objections, I'd like to include this in 1.5
| though I'm not expecting to see it 1.5rc1.
| Ian C.


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