Questions about Bundle Buggy

Russ Brown pickscrape at
Thu May 8 15:47:13 BST 2008

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask such questions: I couldn't find 
a dedicated mailing list for Bundle Buggy.

We're considering switching to bzr and find the merge review workflow 
that Bundle Buggy provides very attractive. I have a few questions about 
it that will hopefully help us to determine how suitable it is.

  1. Is Bundle Buggy written solely for the bzr project, or is it used 
elsewhere for other projects too?
  2. If it's not being used elsewhere, is it suitable to be used 
elsewhere, or is it written specifically for the bzr project only?
  3. Is it capable of dealing with more than one project (repository) at 
once? For example, if our system comprise of several separate codebases, 
each in their own shared repository (with multiple branches), can the 
one BB installation deal with that?
  4. Can it handle requests to merge to multiple branches within the 
same repository?
  5. Has anyone considered writing a Trac plugin that integrates BB into 
trac? If not does anyone foresee any problems with such a project? It 
would be nice to have everything under 'one roof'.

Apologies if these questions are answered elsewhere: I couldn't find 
them, and I don't have time to experiment (play!) right now. :(




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