[ANNOUNCE] bzr-gtk 0.94.0 rc1

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at samba.org
Fri Apr 25 23:07:52 BST 2008

We are happy to announce the availability of bzr-gtk 0.94.0rc1. I'll see
if I can do the final release in about a week, depending on how many new
bugs we find.

The following changes were made in this release:


  * Removed tortoise-bzr, which now has its own project

  * Use new D-Bus revision signal. (James Henstridge, #206443)

  * Switched to using Seahorse to verify signatures. (Daniel Schierbeck)


  * Made the tags associated with a revision render next to the revision
    node in the branch view. (Ali Sabil)

  * Made the tag list in the revision view be comma-separated. (Daniel

  * Add bugs tab in the branch view. (Jelmer Vernooij)
  * New Tango-styled icons. This time properly licensed under the GPL.
    (Simon Pascal Klein)

  * Support showing multiple branches in "bzr viz". (Jelmer Vernooij

  * Added new icons for nautilus overlay (Martin Albisetti)

  * Added enable/disable per-branch option (Martin Albisetti)

  * Add compare with option to revisions menu. (Javier Derderian)

  * Register file handler for applying patches/bundles to Bazaar
    (Jelmer Vernooij)


  * Make adding tags from the viz work again. (Daniel Schierbeck)
  * Catch UnsupportedProtocol exception in the Nautilus extension.
  * Make Nautilus extension work again. (#111826, Toshio Kuratomi,
Jelmer Vernooij)
  * Make viz not throw errors when there are 0 commits. (#173698, Gary
van der

  * Fixed underscores in tags being interpreted as mnemonics in the viz.
    Daniel Schierbeck)

  * Fixed change view menu in viz. (Javier Derderian, #215350)

  * Only check for old Bazaar versions that are known to be incompatible
    no longer warn about newer (unknown) versions of Bazaar, on the
	the API is sufficiently stable now. (Jelmer Vernooij)

  * Support child_submit_to setting in gsend. (Jelmer Vernooij)

  * Add tab if revision view showing the signature status. (Daniel
Schierbeck, Jelmer Vernooij)


  * Refactored the revisionview. (Daniel Schierbeck)

  * It is now possible to use the diff view as a widget. (Jelmer

  * Preferences dialog has been split up. (Jelmer Vernooij)

You can download this release from:

 * http://samba.org/~jelmer/bzr/bzr-gtk-0.94.0rc1.tar.gz

Please report bugs in launchpad:

 * http://launchpad.net/bzr-gtk

And please discuss it on the bzr-gtk mailing list. For more information,
see https://lists.canonical.com/mailman/listinfo/bzr-gtk.


Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org> - http://samba.org/~jelmer/
Jabber: jelmer at jabber.fsfe.org

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