branch: Repository KnitPackRepository is not compatible with repository KnitRepository

Aaron Bentley aaron at
Sat Apr 19 15:00:54 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Ben Finney wrote:
>> It is backwards compatible with normal bzr repositories.
>> dirstate-with-subtree was a hidden experimental format that no one was
>> supposed to use.  But bzr-svn used it anyway.
> It's strange that you say 'bzr-svn', because that's what everyone
> seems to assume: that somehow I'd used that format deliberately for
> 'bzr-svn'.

That's because bzr-svn is the only way you could select it by accident.
 Otherwise, you would have had to manually specify dirstate-with-subtree.

> Is it unreasonable of me to expect that *any* format supported in a
> Bazaar release (despite "no-one was supposed to use" it) should be
> upgrade supported in later versions?

This is where we split hairs.  In a very real sense,
dirstate-with-subtree was never *supported*.  No one was supposed to use
it.  Users weren't even supposed to know about it.  No, we do not
guarantee upgrade support for such formats.

But anyhow, dirstate-with-subtree can be upgraded, just not to our
default "pack-0.92" format.  Its direct successor is
"pack-0.92-subtree", but this is another unsupported experimental format.

Most dirstate-with-subtree repositories can also be upgraded to the
rich-root-pack format, which is supported, and does have a guaranteed
upgrade path.  They can only be upgraded if they do not use the subtree
features.  Because rich-root-pack is not completely compatible with
dirstate-with-subtree, this must be done by creating new branches in the
rich-root-pack format and pulling the dirstate-with-subtree branches
into them.

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