bzr 1.4rc2 coming; and more beta testing

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Apr 18 17:43:26 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Martin Pool wrote:
| bzr 1.4 is scheduled for release today.  As we have found some bugs in
| testing (which is after all the point of testing) I propose to do
| another rc today or on the weekend, and the final release next week.
| There are patches for two of them up on the list now: one from Robert
| (reviewed by John) that restores a cache, removal of which caused knit
| repositories to slow down noticeably in 1.4.  The other is from
| Andrew, is not yet reviewed, and deals with bug 217701, also problems
| pulling from knits into packs.
| ....
| More generally: we're doing a lot of work in the network and
| repository code, for performance generally and to support streaming
| push and stacked repositories.  Our test suite is a big asset in
| making these changes but we still need beta testing to catch some bugs
| that come up in particular interactions or environments.  For the
| phase we're in now, I think we need a bit more beta testing than
| usual.  More testing of release candidates is always welcome.
| One thing we can do beyond that is set up daily builds into a PPA (and
| also for other platforms) to make it easier for active users to help
| us pick up problems before we get close to a release.  I will try to
| look at that next week.

Well, the fact that PPA only keeps around 1 version of a package seems to make
this more difficult than we would really want. I suppose we could have a new
group "~bzr-ppa-dailies" or something like that.

Overall, I'm not very happy that PPA only maintains 1 copy, especially since I
think it means it is difficult to go from 1.4rc1 => 1.3.1. Not to mention that
installing 1.4rc1 will probably uninstall your bzrtools (since it doesn't have a
matching 1.4rc1).

| We could try making the release candidate a longer time before the
| release, but I'm not sure that would expose the same code to more
| people.  Generally, we need seem to detect most regressions or serious
| bugs within the first few days of testing, but it can take a little
| longer to fix them.

I think our schedule is reasonable. We have a few people who always work on the
PPA bleeding edge, which has them testing rc1 as soon as it is released. As long
as they give feedback, that is enough time to ensure that we don't make a poor
- -final.

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