RFC: TortoiseBzr strategies

Nicholas Allen allen at ableton.com
Thu Apr 17 11:13:32 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

| I wonder if you are more productive for them on the command
| line, but maybe you have a different workflow and never do
| these tasks?
I found this to be true as well. A good, well thought out GUI enables 
you to work in ways that the command line is not as well suited for. So, 
even as a Unix command line guy, the GUI is better for doing *certain* 
tasks. This is why I hope Bazaar will get a decent GUI at some point. 
Unfortunately, all the GUIs for Bazaar all currently overlook these ways 
of working and confine themselves to the same kind of workflows one 
would use on the command line and, as such, are no more productive than 
the command line equivalent. For example, I should be able to see 
side-by-side diff changes and click on one part to revert just part of a 
change to file. I have tried all the GUIs (I believe) and none of them 
have made this possible. It seems like the GUIs are either at an 
immature state or the writers of the GUIs have not used TortoiseSVN 
extensively to know the areas/workflows that a GUI is better suited over 
a command line and to make sure those areas work *really* well. It seems 
that most of the work is just in making the output of the command line 
visible in a window (olive's diff view being a prime example of 
something that sucks pretty badly and follows this mindset). QBzr lets 
me see it side by side but not revert a small part of a diff by clicking 
it over to the other side.

I hope this will change soon though....


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