
Daniel Oberhoff danieloberhoff at googlemail.com
Tue Apr 8 14:33:20 BST 2008

> The split command just creates a new branch.  It doesn't alter the
> version history.  If you're getting a 60% reduction, you would  
> probably
> get the same effect from just branching the original tree.  Bazaar  
> deals
> in whole-tree snapshots, so split doesn't and can't reduce the size of
> the tree by recording only the history of the split-out version.
> You could get the same basically effect as split by branching, and  
> then
> deleting the relevant files and directories.  In the inner tree, you'd
> then have to move the root directory, which isn't currently supported.
> But it's otherwise the same.
> The best way to reduce storage space is to use a shared repository,  
> and
> use a packs-based format.

Hmm, so there is no way to modify history?


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